Archbold's mission is to build and share the scientific knowledge needed to protect the life, lands, and waters of Florida, and beyond. Archbold’s footprint encompasses the ancient scrub habitats of the Lake Wales Ridge; the Avon Park Air Force Range Sentinel Landscape; the vast, open ranchlands of Central Florida; and the many waterways that flow south into Lake Okeechobee and then drain to the coasts, touching the lives of millions of Floridians. Archbold studies and protects these natural wonders as ecosystems: as complex networks shaped by measurable natural processes. Our dozens of research sites encompass the pristine sand dunes of the Lake Wales Ridge; the ranchlands and wetlands that make up much of Central Florida; and the rivers that flow south into Lake Okeechobee and beyond.
Today Archbold stewards a rich mosaic of natural habitats, native ecosystems, working lands, and historic buildings at Archbold Biological Station and Buck Island Ranch. The Station and the Ranch serve as the place-based crucible for our innovative science, conservation, and education programs. These draw from a long, deep history, dating back from our beginnings, founded by Richard Archbold in 1941.
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